Next to the old road to Huangshan, which meanders upward along the Xin’an River, there are a number of houses scattered on the riverbank and willow-leaf boats floating by. The houses, with their white walls and black tiles, express in full the beautiful scenery of the South.
此張畫作選擇使用鳥瞰視角,天際的水平線溢出畫面的高視點的方式構圖。以近景切割過的屋宇的大與江中漁舟的小形成有趣的對比。色彩以物體的固有色為主;垂直牆面可看出美國印象主義時期水彩大師John Singer Sargent(1856-1925)的寒(Ultramarine)與暖(Raw & Burnt Sienna)色在紙上的混色。而瓦片則可看出數個不同的色區為底,上面再加上線條-瓦片間的投影,巨細靡遺地呈現瓦屋頂的結構。