2005  大霸尖山雪景 Mt. Ta-pa-chien Snowscape  193.9*130.3cm

世紀奇峰大霸尖山之美,高山氣候氣象萬千,山風霧氣千變萬化,大小霸尖山雄偉挺立於群峰,高高再上的主峰高不可攀,五峰雲相依倚的天然美景,成為獵豔的目標。海拔3492公尺,跨越新竹、苗栗、宜蘭及台中等縣,有世紀奇峰之譽,山容壯麗;泰雅人稱為Babo Papak,Babo是山,Papak是雙耳朵,意思是雙耳嶽,外形有如一個覆蓋著的大酒桶,所以又被稱為『酒桶山』,泰雅族人尊為聖山。大霸尖山是台灣雪山山脈最具個性的山峰,山勢雄偉磅礡,為全國長相最奇特的山峰。冬季在冷冽的空氣中,聽著呼呼的風聲,看著浮動的雲海,的確格外深刻。

The climate on wondrously beautiful Mt. Ta-pa-chien changes constantly, in countless ways. Mt. Ta-pa-chien and its smaller partner Hsiao-pa-chien tower over the surrounding peaks. The natural beauty of the way in which the clouds drape around it has made it a scenic landmark. Reaching an elevation of 3,492 m, it straddles Hsinchu, Miaoli, Ilan, and Taichung Counties. It has been called the “peak of the century.” The Atayal call it Babo Papak, with Babo meaning “mountain” and Papak meaning “two ears.” Its shape is like that of a covered wine jar, so it is also nicknamed “Winejar Mountain.” The Atayal regard it as sacred. Mt. Ta-pa-chien has the greatest personality among the peaks of Taiwan’s Hsueh-shan Range, and it is the most distinctive. It’s especially impressive if you see it in the chill air of winter, when you hear the soughing wind and see the floating clouds around it.

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